
Bicalutamide is an antineoplastic hormonal agent primarily used in the treatment of prostate cancer. Bicalutamide is a pure, nonsteroidal anti-androgen with affinity for androgen receptors (but not for progestogen, estrogen, or glucocorticoid receptors). Consequently, Bicalutamide blocks the action of androgens of adrenal and testicular origin which stimulate the growth of normal and malignant prostatic tissue. Prostate cancer is mostly androgen-dependent and can be treated with surgical or chemical castration.


Vincristine sulphate is used either alone or in conjunction with other oncolytic drugs for the treatment of:

  • For treatment (together with surgery or LHRH analogue) of advanced prostatic cancer.
Generic Name Strength Standard Type Packing Pack Size
Bicalutamide 50 / 150mg USP/IP Tab. Bottle  1×30's